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Welcome to Benton Retriever Grounds, located on Highway 95, 9.5 miles west of Princeton, MN. Owned and operated by Hennepin County Amateur Retriever Club (HCARC) and Minnesota Field Trial Association (MFTA), BRG is composed of two separate properties, approximately one mile apart. BRG is the site of five AKC-licensed field trials and one AKC-licensed hunt test each year. The BRG board of directors consists of four members of each club.


Benton Retriever Grounds was incorporated as not-for-profit corporation in 1990. Field trialers in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area saw the need to find a training and trialing area away from the Twin Cities area yet close enough for retriever enthusiasts living in the area. BRG is located about one hour north of the metro area.



Many improvements over the years have been made at BRG, making it one of the finest retriever training and trialing grounds in the Midwest. Darrell Frisbie created most of the ponds on the main grounds in the early 1990s. Local contractors created and improved the ponds on the north grounds.

Training at BRG is available year-round to all members of both HCARC and MFTA.

Benton Retriever Grounds Inc.

Main Grounds - 18000 Hwy 95, Foley,  MN, 56329

North Grounds - 17750 25th St NE, Foley,  MN, 56329

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